
this was a last minute emergency project for jaclyn's school's fashion show. they needed something for the windows, so i threw together four prints on eight pieces of left over mr french. it took 4 hours, i used clipart, and they look like crap. but the greenish-grey looked nice once these were up on the windows. this is the seahorse, but there is also an octopus, an anchor, and a squid. i don't want these so let me know if you would.



This weekend's project was a reorder of shook ones shirts. I've printed this one once before in a variety of colors. This time: black on black, dark red on yellow, brown on white (new), tiffany blue on brown, and white on ash (new). Everything decided to be troublesome during this project. The pressure washer wasn't giving any pressure, making reclaiming a pain. Then, the white ink was incredibly hard to pull because the shop was cold. Someone failed to label the jade ink as puff, so the first few brown shirts are interesting looking to say the least. The flash unit blew up during the brown shirts as well, flames and smoke and everything. luckily, i only had 8 shirts left and was able to use the residual heat to flash the remaining shirts. i think that was it, though.

and frank decided he wanted to be in a picture.